Why see an endodontist?
At Waikato Endodontics we use the latest in dental technology such as the Zeiss Extaro Dental Operating Microscope, the most advanced microscope in the world.
Endodontists are specialists at saving natural teeth. Like precious few things, teeth are designed to last a lifetime. Nothing looks, feels or functions like your natural teeth, so you should always strive to keep them whenever possible.
All dentists are trained to carry out endodontic procedures. Some teeth however are difficult to treat and require specialist skills, experience and technology. Dr. Assil Russell is a specialist endodontist and has completed ten years of study including a Doctorate of Clinical Dentistry degree from the prestigious Otago University Faculty of Dentistry.
If you're experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity, suspect a cracked tooth or suffered dental trauma, or your dentist recommended root canal treatment by a specialist, contact us to make an appointment with Dr. Assil Russell.
Your first visit usually starts with a consultation which includes a detailed examination, x-rays and diagnostic tests. You can expect to be advised what the problem is, your treatment options, the costs involved and the likelihood of achieving a successful healing outcome. We welcome any questions that you may have. Treatment may commence at the same appointment. Endodontic treatment is usually completed over 2-4 visits. During treatment we use advanced technology such as 3D scanning and New Zealand's only Zeiss Extaro microscope. Teeth are dressed with a medicated paste and temporary fillings between visits. Six months after completion of treatment we will recall you to check healing. We communicate directly with your dentist to update them on your treatment progress. For your safety, we have strict sterilistation procedures.
What to expect from your endodontist
Root Canal Treatment
Inside your tooth is a fine space called the root canal system. This contains the dental pulp which consists of nerves and blood vessels. If the dental pulp becomes diseased, infected or dies a toothache or an abscess may occur. A number of conditions can lead to such irreversible damage of the dental pulp including deep decay, trauma, tooth fracture and gum disease.
Root canal treatment aims to alleviate pain, eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal, prevent reinfection and save the natural tooth. During root canal, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, shaped then filled and sealed.
Endodontic Retreatment
With proper care, you’ll keep teeth that have had root canal treatment for a lifetime but it’s possible for those teeth to heal improperly, becoming painful or diseased months or even years after treatment. If this happens, you have a second chance to save the tooth with retreatment. Retreatment can diminish dental pain and promote healing.
During retreatment, your tooth is reopened and the existing root canal filling material is removed. The tooth is carefully examined for cracks and additional or missed canals. The inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, shaped and filled with new filling materials. The opening is then sealed with a permanent filling to protect the tooth.
Endodontic Surgery
There are many surgical procedures that can be performed to save a tooth. The most common is called an apicoectomy,
which may be needed when inflammation or infection persists in the bony area around the end of your tooth after a root canal procedure.
This surgical procedure is done under local anesthesia by opening the gum tissue near the tooth to see the underlying bone and to remove any inflamed or infected tissue. The very end of the root is also removed. A small filling is placed to seal the end of the root canal and a few stitches are placed to help the tissue heal. Most patients return to their normal activities the next day. Over next six months, the tooth is monitored for healing.
Cracked Teeth
Whether your tooth cracks from an injury or general wear and tear, you can experience a variety of symptoms ranging from erratic pain when you chew your food to sudden pain when your tooth is exposed to hot or cold temperatures. In many cases, the pain may come and go and your dentist may have difficulty locating the tooth causing the discomfort. If you experience these symptoms or suspect a cracked tooth, it’s best to see an endodontist as soon as possible. Endodontists specialize in saving cracked teeth and will cater treatment to the type, location, and extent of the crack. The sooner your tooth is treated, the better the outcome. Once treated, most cracked teeth continue to function as they should, for many years of pain-free biting and chewing.
Trauma & Emergencies
We are an ACC provider and can register your injury and provide ACC funded treatment. Traumatic dental injuries often occur as a result of an accident or sports injury. The majority of these injuries are minor (chipped teeth). It’s less common to dislodge your tooth or have it knocked completely out. Treatment depends on the type, location and severity of injury. Regardless of the extent of the injury, your tooth requires immediate examination. Sometimes, your neighboring teeth suffer an additional, unnoticed injury that can only be detected by a thorough dental exam. Endodontists specialize in treating traumatic dental injuries. With advanced skills, techniques and technologies we can save injured teeth. If you have a cracked or injured tooth contact us immediately for an appointment.
Vital Pulp Therapy
Vital pulp therapy aims to preserve and maintain pulpal health in teeth that have been exposed to trauma, caries, restorative procedures, and anatomic anomalies. The treatment can be completed for immature, primary and permanent teeth that show reversible pulpal injuries.
For vital pulp therapy to work its important that treatment is provided early before there is irreversible damage. At Waikato Endodontics we can diagnose your tooth and advise you if vital pulp therapy is suitable. Contact us today for an appointment.
Management of Resorption
Resorption is the term for a common type of dental injury or irritation that causes gradual loss of part or parts of a tooth. Resorption can affect many parts of a tooth, including the interior pulp and exterior cementum, which covers the root. Resorption is often painless and your tooth may look and feel normal. However, it is very important to diagnose and treat resorption early to avoid excessive destruction of the tooth which can weaken the tooth and lead to fracture.
Endodontists are experts at managing and treating all types of resorption. If your tooth has resorption don't delay contact us today to book a consultation appointment.
Internal Bleaching
Teeth that have been traumatised, have already had root canal treatment or require root canal treatment may become discoloured. The discolouration may range from a mild yellowish hue through a reddish hue to the other extreme of a greyish hue. Internal bleaching provides a means of reducing the discolouration of the tooth. Treatment is usually completed over two visits. At Waikato Endodontics, Dr. Assil Russell can internally bleach your discoloured tooth and restore your healthy white smile. If internal bleaching is not suitable for you, we will discuss alternative options such as veneers or crowns. If your tooth discolours following an accident registered with ACC we may be able to apply for funding for internal bleaching.